
Jonge vrouw met zandloper. De biologische leeftijd blijft gelijk tijdens NMN suppletie op dag 60 & NAD+ waardes stijgen

Study: Biological age remains constant during N...

This study, conducted in December 2022, investigated the efficacy and safety of β-nicotinamide mononucleotide (NMN) supplementation in healthy middle-aged adults. Summary of Results: On days 30 and 60, blood NAD...

Study: Biological age remains constant during N...

This study, conducted in December 2022, investigated the efficacy and safety of β-nicotinamide mononucleotide (NMN) supplementation in healthy middle-aged adults. Summary of Results: On days 30 and 60, blood NAD...

Studie: NMN versterkt grijpkracht bij oudere patiënten met diabetes

Study: NMN strengthens grip strength in older p...

Study: NMN Enhances Grip Strength in Elderly Patients with Diabetes Summary of Results: NMN supplementation proved to be safe and well-tolerated, with no serious adverse effects reported. It contributed to...

Study: NMN strengthens grip strength in older p...

Study: NMN Enhances Grip Strength in Elderly Patients with Diabetes Summary of Results: NMN supplementation proved to be safe and well-tolerated, with no serious adverse effects reported. It contributed to...

Adren met hoge bloedtriglycerideniveaus die worden verlaagd door NMN

Research: NMN is safely absorbed by the body & ...

Summary of Results: A single injection of NMN reduces blood lipid levels by approximately 75%. NMN injections are safely metabolized and do not cause any observable damage to the heart,...

Research: NMN is safely absorbed by the body & ...

Summary of Results: A single injection of NMN reduces blood lipid levels by approximately 75%. NMN injections are safely metabolized and do not cause any observable damage to the heart,...

Veiligheidsevaluatie van orale toediening van β-nicotinamide mononucleotide bij gezonde volwassen mannen en vrouwen.

NMN Study: Safety Evaluation of Oral Administra...

Summary of Results: Oral administration of β-NMN did not produce changes beyond normal physiological variations in various clinical assessments, including anthropometric, hematological, biochemical, urine, and body composition analyses. Furthermore, no...

NMN Study: Safety Evaluation of Oral Administra...

Summary of Results: Oral administration of β-NMN did not produce changes beyond normal physiological variations in various clinical assessments, including anthropometric, hematological, biochemical, urine, and body composition analyses. Furthermore, no...

NMN studie: NAD+ wordt verhoogd door NMN

NMN study: NAD+ is increased by NMN

In May 2022, the results of an interesting NMN study were published. It was a multicenter, randomized, double-blind, parallel-design, placebo-controlled study to evaluate the efficacy and safety of Uthever (NMN...

NMN study: NAD+ is increased by NMN

In May 2022, the results of an interesting NMN study were published. It was a multicenter, randomized, double-blind, parallel-design, placebo-controlled study to evaluate the efficacy and safety of Uthever (NMN...

NMN studie: Klinische evaluatie van veranderingen in biomarkers door orale inname van NMN.

NMN study: Clinical evaluation of changes in bi...

This June 2022 study shows that NMN is safe and has positive effects on the body. Oral supplementation of 300 mg NMN per day for eight weeks showed no safety...

NMN study: Clinical evaluation of changes in bi...

This June 2022 study shows that NMN is safe and has positive effects on the body. Oral supplementation of 300 mg NMN per day for eight weeks showed no safety...

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